Take Action, Make a Difference

Focus on making a difference and to better someone’s life regardless of how big or small.

Equally important, be a role model and inspire others to join in on the effort.



Your tax deductible donation allows us to connect people and create partnerships around the communities.

Laptops can be dropped off at Santa Rita School, 700 Los Altos Ave., Los Altos on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri (except Wed), 9 am - 2:30 pm, Attention: Anna, Receptionist at the school office when school is in session.

Tell your friends and family about these STEM outreach.

Make a Donation →

Spread the Word

We provide service project opportunities for youth and run STEM programs and projects with our partners at various locations such as Los Altos High School, Egan School, Santa Rita School and Sunday Friends etc. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active volunteer yourself. Join now and make an impact via:

Computer-in-a-Box community service project →

STEM workshops